
时间:2019-04-30 12:58:08 作者: 字数:4786字



  A proud man hath many crosses. 骄傲者挫折多。

  A shy cat makes a proud mouse. 猫儿胆小耗子闹。

  All is not at hand that helps. 世间没有唾手可得之事.

  The exception proves the rule. 例外证明法则的存在。

  No man is a hero to his valet. 在最贴身的人眼中,谁也充不了伟人。

  The used key is always bright. 常用的钥匙不长锈.

  The sun shines upon all alike. 太阳照人,不分贵贱。

  We are not born for ourselves. 人之有生,不为一已.

  Two heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜一人.

  True praise roots and spreads. 诚实的赞美深入人心.

  Truth is the daughter of time. 真理是时间的女儿.

  True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊恒久不变.

  Shallow streams make most din. 溪浅声喧。

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  Let the world slide. 人世沧桑,听其自然.

  Love me,love my dog. 爱屋及乌.

  Life means struggle. 生活就是斗争.

  Fair play's a jewel. 比赛风格好,胜过珠宝.

  Early sow,early mow. 种得早,收得早.

  Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失.

  What's lost is lost. 失者不可复得。

  Waste not, want not. 不浪费,不会穷.
