
时间:2022-10-04 20:23:02 作者: 字数:6826字

  2014年11月11日,谚语(陕北民谚) 经国务院批准列入第四批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。今天考试啦小编要与大家分享:关于学习的英语相关谚语大全,具体内容如下,欢迎阅读:

  A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.好书如良 友,可相伴一生。

  A hundred tricks are not so good as one well-learned trade,百艺不如一艺精。

  A library is a repository of medicine for the mind.图书馆是心灵的良药。 (repository:储藏所,知识宝库)。

  A man becomes I earned by asking questions,不耻下问才能获得学问。

  A nation’s treasure is in its scholars.文人是国家的财富。

  Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president )

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  Half a tale is enough for a wise man.聪明人一听上文即知下文。

  He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere.遇事多问,随处可行。

  He that knows nothing, doubts nothing,无知就无疑。

  He that nothing questions, nothing I earns.什么都不问的人就什么都学不到。

  He that teaches himself,has a fool for his master,学而不问,口 同以愚'人为师。

  He that travels far knows much.见多识广。

  He that walks with wise men should be wise.与智者行即得其智。

  He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever,好问者只做一时的傻瓜,不问者永远都做傻瓜。
