
时间:2021-07-20 01:34:08 作者: 字数:1837字

  俗话说,三思而后行(Think today and speak tomorrow ),谋定而后动。新的一年来临了,你有什么计划和行动呢?让我们从古老的谚语中汲取力量与智慧吧。

  First think, and then speak 先想后说。

  Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同。

  Think today and speak tomorrow 三思而后行。

  I say little but I think the more 我说得少,但我想得多。

  In every beginning think of the end 思前顾后。

  In prosperity think of adversity 居安思危。

  Think much, speak little, and write less 勤思考,寡发言,少落笔。

  Think of the devil and he's looking over your shoulders 说到曹操,曹操就到。

  Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar 同智者一起考虑,与俗人一起交谈。

  Never think yourself above your business 切莫自视过高。

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  One may think that dares not speak 人可思其不敢言者。

  A true man and a thief think not the same 君子和窃贼的思想不同。

  He is the wisest man who does not think himself so 不自以为聪明的人是最聪明的人。

  Some persons do first, think afterwards, and then repent for ever 有些人做了再思考,从而悔恨终身。

  The fool does think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool 愚者自以为聪明,智者则有自知之明。

  The world is comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel 世界对思惟著的人来说,是一出喜剧,而对凭感觉的人看来,只是一出悲剧。

  Think about the misforture of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot 想想别人的不幸,你可以对自己的命运感到满足。

  Think all you speak, but speak not all you think 想想你所说的一切,不要全部说出你所想的。
