改革试点 reform experimentation
杠杆率 leverage ratio
杠杆收购 leveraged buyout
高息集资 to raise funds by offering high interest
个人股 non-institutional shares
根本扭转 fundamental turnaround(or reversal)
公开市场操作 open market operations
公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts
公用事业 public utilities
公有经济 the state-owned sector;the public sector
公有制 public ownership
工业成本利润率 profit-to-cost ratio
工业增加值 industrial value added
供大于求 supply exceeding demand;excessive supply
鼓励 措施 incentives
股份合作企业 joint-equity cooperative enterprises
…… 此处隐藏455字 ……
国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs)
国有制 state-ownership
国有资产流失 erosion of state assets
国债回购 government securities repurchase
国债一级自营商 primary underwriters of government securities
过度竞争 excessive competition
过度膨胀 excessive expansion
过热迹象 signs of overheating