
时间:2021-07-20 21:40:04 作者: 字数:5876字

  下面是考试啦小编整理的 英语 文章:巴菲特迄今最 成功 的六笔投资,欢迎大家阅读!

  These days, the thing to say if you want to sound smart about Warren Buffett is that the Oracle of Omaha’s crystal ball has cracked. In mid-October, headlines blared that Buffett had lost $2 billion in just two days on Coke and IBM IBM 0.03% .Nevermind that Buffett has said those investements are long-term holdings, that he hasn’t sold a share of either company’s stock, and that he would prefer it if IBM’s shares stayed cheap, for now. It seemed to reinforce the notion that the world’s great stock picker had lost it.

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  以下是巴菲特史上最成功的几笔投资,以年度回报率 排名 。这些交易是巴菲特璀璨投资生涯的最好证明。虽然巴菲特对可口可乐公司、Capital Cities/ABC公司、吉列公司(Gillette)以及 汽车 保险 商Geico等公司的成功投资被业内广为传颂,但它们都没有好到能登上本榜单的份上。以下是上榜投资案例:

  1. PetroChina

  Annual average compounded return: 52%

  Total return: 720%

  Years held: 5

  Buffett is known for his "buy what you know" investment mantra, and his consistent praise for America. In last year's annual letter to Berkshire shareholders, Buffett wrote, "America's best days lie ahead." Nonetheless, some of his greatest investments, particularly his recent ones, have been in China. In 2002 and 2003, Berkshire bought 1.3% of China's dominant oil company PetroChinaPTR 1.44% for $488 million. Some questioned the investment. PetroChina's oil fields looked tapped out, and the company, with 400,000 employees, was loaded down with costs. At the time, PetroChina had a market cap of $37 billion. Buffett suspected it was worth $100 billion. Buffett was low. Rising oil prices and new discoveries caused PetroChina's shares to soar. By the time Berkshire sold in 2007, PetroChina's market cap had reached $275 billion, and Berkshire reaped a $3.6 billion gain.

  1. 中石油(PetroChina)

