1.我决心要去参军,什么也拦不住我(be determined to do)
I was determind to join army,nothing can stop me
2.他厌倦了每天都吃同样的食物(be tire of)
He was tired of eating the same food everyday
3.他为自己在晚会上的行为感到深深的羞耻(be ashamed of)
She was deeply ashamed of behavior in the party of evening
4.老师的话对他有很大影响(have…effect on)
What teacher says has great effect on him
5.他的邻居需要帮助时,他从不拒绝他们(turn one’s back on)
When his neighbor needs help,he never turns back on them
6. 你怎么想出这么异想天开的计划呢(dream up)
How do you dream up this plan
…… 此处隐藏3134字 ……
5.汤姆伤心地告诉父亲,在会上没有人支持他的观点(in favor of)
Tom is sad talk with father he say no one in favor of his view
6.这个女孩如此迷恋小提琴,每当有时间都会练习(be crazy about)
This girl is so crazy about violin,she will pactice when she have time
7.到国外学习的想法对很多高中学生很有吸引力(appeal to)
The idea of go to study abroad is appeal to lots of senior high school students
8.他独自看着书,不关心其他人在看什么( be con cenrned about)
He resd book along and isn’t concern about othersis doing